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Thursday 17 November 2011

The Cat of Singapore

Common Cats In Singapore
For the past 9,500 years, cats have been associated with humans and now they can be found almost everywhere in the world. In Singapore, the domestic shorthair cat has been the most common cat breed seen around. The domestic shorthair cat does not have a pedigree or belong to any recognized cat breed; it is simply a mix-breed of different short hair cats. Other popular cat breeds preferred by Singaporens are the local brown Tabby, Persian, American Shorthair and Siamese. Nevertheless did we know that there is actually a cat breed name after Singapore; called Singapura.

History of Singapura

This breed of cat was named ‘Singapura’ because it was believed to be origin from Singapore. (Singapura is the Malay word for Singapore). This breed was introduced in the U.S. as early as the 1970s, and became popular; thus breeders came up to establish a purebred characteristic for this breed of cats.

Features of Singapura   

Singapura has a is fine, short, silky in texture and a unique colored coating (Sepia Agouti) , which defers it from any other breed. Singapura is an alert and healthy cat which sized from small to medium. The cat has a good bone structure and moderately stocky and muscular body. The interesting fact of this cat is when the cat stands, its body, legs and the floor form a square. The nature personally of this cat is rather mischievous, good-natured, gentle, actives and loves closeness with their owner; which makes them well-liked and suitable to be kept as a pet.

Click here for more detailed on Singapura cat.

Cited from: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cat


  1. Hi Winnie. That's really informative. I wish to have cats in the future.
    By the way,I like you blog background. :D

  2. Meow! It tells me a lot of information about this "Singapura" cat and where it originated from! Maybe you might want to include a video about this cat! ^^

  3. Hi, your blog has alot of details, however you could put it in smaller chunks.

  4. I love your blog theme! Cats are cool..but it would've looked better if the cool characteristics of the cat be highlighted.

  5. Hi, this post about cats is very informative and interesting.

  6. Great blog. Very informative and the design is great.

  7. Thank you for all the comments. I have a huge passion for cats. As mentioned by Zurhairi, yes, cats are very cool.But they are very playful at the same time.
    I simply love it when when cats give me gentle head-butts. Cats don't attack unless provoked. I get really upset sometimes when I saw cases online where stray cats are being abused by dog owners. =(
