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Saturday 3 December 2011

The Long Hair Siamese

History of Balinese cat

The Balinese cat (also known as Javanese cat) is not a natural occurring breed of cat; it originates from human-controlled breeding. Well, some experts believe this breed is a spontaneous mutation, whilst others believe it was either a deliberate or accidental out-crossing to an Angora-type cat. These graceful felines were originally registered as “long-haired Siamese” because they are found occasionally in a Siamese litter. It was later in the 1950’s, one of the pioneer breeder Helen Smith named the breed Balinese, which resemble the graceful and beauty of a Balinese dancer.

“Fox-looked alike”

The Balinese cat has a wedge head, in the shape of an equilateral triangle, and sapphire blue almond-shape eyes. Its coat is soft and silky, flows downwards the body towards a magnificent plumed tail. With these features and appearances, Balinese cats do some how or rather look like fox; not the fox cat (Somali).

Highly Intelligent Cat

Not only do the outlook of Balinese cat resemble the fox, these cats are also are very intelligent; just like a fox. This breed of cats is rated 9 out of 10 for its intelligence, while the others long-haired cat breeds, the Persians are rated as 6 and Himalayan as 7. Balinese cats are also highly talkative, just like its Siamese ancestor.

These cats are very active, loves attention and extremely affectionate; making it an idea companion. They are suitable for experience cat owners who willing to spend quality time with them. 

Also take a look at the video below, where a Balinese cat breeder explained more on the facts and detail about this amazing breed of cat.


Sunday 27 November 2011

The “Cat-Dog”

History of Savannahs

The Savannah cats are hybrid breed of the domestic cat and the exotic Serval cats. This unusual cross-breed of a house cat and a wild African cat was accomplished by a cat breeder name Judy Frank in 1986. This breed of cats became popular around the end of 20th century and is relatively expensive due to its rarity.

Why a "Cat-Dog"?

Savannah cats are very sociable and friendly as compared to the typical domestic cats. They often greet people with gentle head-butts, or an unexpected pounce. Savannah cats are often compared with the dogs in their loyalty. They will follow their owners around and can be trained to walk on a leash or play fetch.

Physical Build

Being one of the larger breeds of domesticated cats, Savannah cats have graceful and long-legged legs with a tall and slim build.  This breed of cat has a common trait, its jumping ability. Savannah cats can leap to a height of 2.5m tall. Below show a video of a Savannah cat jumping up on a double-decked bed.


Another interesting fact about the Savannah cats is that it loves WATER. As cats are normally afraid of getting wet, this breed of cat loves water so much that they will shower with their owner. Below shows a video of a Savannah cat having its bath.


Thursday 17 November 2011

The Cat of Singapore

Common Cats In Singapore
For the past 9,500 years, cats have been associated with humans and now they can be found almost everywhere in the world. In Singapore, the domestic shorthair cat has been the most common cat breed seen around. The domestic shorthair cat does not have a pedigree or belong to any recognized cat breed; it is simply a mix-breed of different short hair cats. Other popular cat breeds preferred by Singaporens are the local brown Tabby, Persian, American Shorthair and Siamese. Nevertheless did we know that there is actually a cat breed name after Singapore; called Singapura.

History of Singapura

This breed of cat was named ‘Singapura’ because it was believed to be origin from Singapore. (Singapura is the Malay word for Singapore). This breed was introduced in the U.S. as early as the 1970s, and became popular; thus breeders came up to establish a purebred characteristic for this breed of cats.

Features of Singapura   

Singapura has a is fine, short, silky in texture and a unique colored coating (Sepia Agouti) , which defers it from any other breed. Singapura is an alert and healthy cat which sized from small to medium. The cat has a good bone structure and moderately stocky and muscular body. The interesting fact of this cat is when the cat stands, its body, legs and the floor form a square. The nature personally of this cat is rather mischievous, good-natured, gentle, actives and loves closeness with their owner; which makes them well-liked and suitable to be kept as a pet.

Click here for more detailed on Singapura cat.

Cited from: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cat