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Sunday 27 November 2011

The “Cat-Dog”

History of Savannahs

The Savannah cats are hybrid breed of the domestic cat and the exotic Serval cats. This unusual cross-breed of a house cat and a wild African cat was accomplished by a cat breeder name Judy Frank in 1986. This breed of cats became popular around the end of 20th century and is relatively expensive due to its rarity.

Why a "Cat-Dog"?

Savannah cats are very sociable and friendly as compared to the typical domestic cats. They often greet people with gentle head-butts, or an unexpected pounce. Savannah cats are often compared with the dogs in their loyalty. They will follow their owners around and can be trained to walk on a leash or play fetch.

Physical Build

Being one of the larger breeds of domesticated cats, Savannah cats have graceful and long-legged legs with a tall and slim build.  This breed of cat has a common trait, its jumping ability. Savannah cats can leap to a height of 2.5m tall. Below show a video of a Savannah cat jumping up on a double-decked bed.


Another interesting fact about the Savannah cats is that it loves WATER. As cats are normally afraid of getting wet, this breed of cat loves water so much that they will shower with their owner. Below shows a video of a Savannah cat having its bath.



  1. it is not everyday that one sees cats that like water and but if i am considering a cat as a pet, i think i will not get this cat even if i have the money as i will not want a cat too big.

  2. True, but I loves all cats no matter what's their size. But I think this Savannah cat is allowed in Singapore. If you're considering of getting a cat as a pet, you may consider visiting the SPCA. I was there during a project, the cats in the big cage are really friendly. =)
